N 33975 | Contact information: +7 903 7967498 |
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Object: The Yacht Club on the Pirogov reservoir | Price: 150m RUR | Area: 1823 sq.m. (pl.) 1.33 hect. (site) |
Region: Russia, Moscow region | Address: Pirogov reservoir |
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N 32966 | Contact information: +7 903 7967498 |
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Object: Торговый центр | Price: 2.2m USD | Area: 930 sq.m. (pl.) 0.0863 hect. (site) |
Region: Russia, г.Ялта | Address: улица Чехова |
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N 31774 | Contact information: +7 903 7967498 |
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Object: shopping center | Price: 800m RUR | Area: 7100 sq.m. (pl.) 3210 sq.m. (site) |
Region: Russia, Moscow | Address: Minsk Rd., 300 m from Moscow |
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